Sunday 13 March 2011

Mijn weekend

On Friday Tim and I met with Molly and Brian, an American couple we met some weeks ago, we went to a lovely bohemian style restaurant, The Atrium They brought along their friends Maeghan, Canadian, and Neme, Turkish. Unfortunately I don´t have a photo yet, only of Tim before they arrived. Trying to get the chandelier in as well. We had a lovely time.

Saturday Tim and I went to a swimming pool, which was fun filled, I felt like a kid again. No such thing as swimming lengths in the pool but going on slides, pretty much joining the kids. I´d like to take note of some things that are culturally different such as the unisex changing rooms.

Tim headed off to Amsterdam for a party that night, meanwhile I went for a meal at Neme´s, we met her housemate who is also Turkish, and Molly, Brian and Maeghan were also there. We ate some delicious salad, potatoes and chicken wings. The night ended with a game of charades. Which is pronounced differently by my fellow friends to me. Sometimes Molly and I don´t understand the words eachother uses because we pronounce them slightly different or they are words we´ve never heard, I find it interesting. I've not really played the game before. It was hilarious!

Today I visited the Rijksmuseum, and actually liked going by myself and at my own pace, also got in free! It was great to see some art and work thats quite different to me. I especially liked three portraits of different meisjes (girls) by Guo Jan, It was very effective, the artist had added and removed paint that causes a great effect and reminded me of very old photos that are decaying.

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